Bhabhi Card Game


MultiPlayer Bhabhi (BETA) Mode!

Android app on Google Play

Play MultiPlayer Bhabhi (BETA)Now:

Click Here to Play MultiPlayer (BETA) Bhabhi Card Game 

Play Single Player Against Computer:

Click Here to Play Bhabhi Single Player Against a Computer 


How to Play Online Version

1.  Start the game using the options above
2.  Select Your Game in the screen that appears and click play. If there are no games, create one!
3.  Select Your Player from the options in the player selection screen and click play
4.  After all players have begun, deal cards or wait for it to be dealt and then click play
5.  Game Ends when computer announces "BHABHI IS... so and so", but you can redeal to play again!

The game is played as described in the home page with pickup from pile if dealer runs out of card rule. 
Please Report any bugs or anything you wish to have changed to !!


Known Problems being worked on:

Problem List:

There is no timeout - if no one moves for a while, the odds are that the player on the other end has closed their windowFixed Jan/2011

Cannot re-enter a game once the window is closedFixed Jan/2011

If you select a game and are waiting for others to join, you cannot be unjoined from that game (yet) - so basically, your move never comes in the game, but it expects you toFixed Jan/2011

It is best to arrange a game with friends. Create a game or use an empty game, and have your friends enter it.Fixed Jan/2011

Cannot double-click cards to select them!Fixed Jan/2011

Cannot view how many other players are online, etc. so that you can start gameFixed Jan/2011

You cannot drag a card into the pile right now.. Comming Soon

No statistics - username/password storage of who won, points, etc. Comming Soon

No statistics - messaging - e.g. 'why not join table 2', etc. - would need username/password Comming Soon


Game Copyright 2010, Moe Singh. Visit for author information